69. (1)For the purposes of this Act, the competent labour office or anyother person may, upon approval of the competent authority, enterduring the working hours (day or night) any place which he has areason to believe is an enterprise employing one or more workers.He may request the employer, the manger or the worker to providehim with the requested information in application to theprovisions of this Act. The employer, the manager or the workershall be obliged to submit this information.
(c) provide assistance to the Minister or the Governor of the District to organize, develop and support labour relations and to strengthen labour relations between employers and workers so as to create a favourable environment for work and production;
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99. Theprovisions of this Chapter shall apply to any labour disputewhich takes place between an employer or more and all the workersor a group of workers, whether they are members of a trade unionor not. If the workers are represented by a legitimate union thenit shall be forbidden for the employer to negotiate with anygroup of workers other than that union.
102. Noprovision under this chapter shall be interpreted to mean thatthe disciplinary measures shall not apply to a civil servant whofails to perform his duties because he was expecting theoccurrence of a labour dispute.
105. (1)In a case of labour dispute, the two parties to the disputeshall, within a period not exceeding two weeks as from the dateof notification of the subject of the dispute, enter intonegotiations to settle the dispute amicably, provided that theperiod of negotiations does not exceed three weeks as from thedate of its commencement. The period of negotiations may, afteragreement between the two parties, be extended to two more weeks.
(2) Thecompetent authority or its representative may attend thenegotiation of any labour dispute; however, they shall not beauthorized to participate in the negotiations without theagreement of the two negotiating parties.
(2) Inobservance with sub-paragraph (1) and in cases where one of thepublic establishments, bodies or companies in which theGovernment holds 50 per cent or more of their shares is a partyto a labour dispute related to the conditions of employment ofworkers, the Federal Minister of Finance shall appoint hisrepresentative in the arbitration committee. In the case ofdistrict establishments, bodies or companies, the competentgovernor of the district shall nominate his representative in thearbitration committee.
124.Workers or officials shall be forbidden to partially or totallystop work. Employment agents shall be prohibited to close theworkplace partially or totally because of a labour dispute in thefollowing cases: